Letters, the Origin of the Nexus

Good things, cultures, and thoughts from all over Japan come together at KITTE OSAKA. In “Letters, the Origin of the Nexus,” we will share with you the charms of each region that we have encountered in the process of opening.

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  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像
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  • KITTE Instagramの投稿画像

KITTE Instagramの投稿画像


Social Media Policy

Terms of Use

The special website of JP Tower and KITTE Osaka (https://jptower-kitte-osaka.jp/) (hereinafter “Website”) engages in the service to provide information related to JP Tower and KITTE Osaka (hereinafter “Service”) and is operated by Japan Post Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Company”), which is jointly assigned to manage this Website by three of the planning proponents, namely JAPAN POST Co., Ltd., Osaka Terminal Building Co., Ltd. and JTB Corp.

Any person using this Website is required to do so in accordance with the Website Policy (hereinafter “Terms of Use”) set forth by the Company. By using the Service, you will be deemed to have agreed with the following terms. The Terms of Use are subject to change, as necessary, without prior notice. You are advised to check the latest Terms of Use available on this webpage upon using the Service.

1. Usage

The person who uses the Website (hereinafter “User”) shall, when using the Service, comply with any and all applicable laws and ordinances. When necessary for maintenance (including emergency maintenance) of the Website, the Service may be suspended without prior notice.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights (any and all rights including trademark rights and copyrights, etc. and hereinafter “Intellectual Property Rights”) to all contents, texts, images, data, software, information, and other materials that are displayed or made available on the Website (hereinafter “Contents”) are owned by the providers of the Contents to the Company, and are protected by the applicable laws regarding intellectual property rights.
Users may, in accordance with the Terms of Use and applicable laws, use the Website and download and/or print the Contents.
However, the Contents and anything included therein (part or all) shall not be duplicated, modified, published, transmitted, distributed, assigned, lent, licensed for use, reprinted, or reused beyond the scope of private use or the scope expressly permitted by law, unless otherwise approved by the Company in advance.
Any rights to the respective trademarks, logos, and trade names, etc. appeared on the Website belong to the Company or the respective owners of such rights. Unless otherwise permitted by the Trademark Act or other laws, any use of such trademarks, logos, and trade names, etc. without permission of the Company is prohibited by the Trademark Act and other laws.

3. Disclaimer

Although the information on the Website is prepared with reasonable care, the Company does not guarantee its integrity, accuracy, usefulness, or safety, etc.
The Company provides no guarantee of any kind on the consistent provision of the Service or the access results, etc.
The information posted on the Website is merely a part of the information regarding the activities undertaken by the Company and is non-exhaustive in any way. The Company bears no responsibility for the results of any decisions made or actions taken by the Users based on the information posted on the Website.
All information posted on the Website, such as names and details, is current as of the time of publication and may be revised or deleted without prior notice. The Company bears no responsibility whatsoever for any damage incurred by the Users arising from any of the information posted on the Website becoming outdated due to the passage of time or any addition, change, or deletion of the contents of the Service.
The URL of the Website, including that of the front page, may be changed without prior notice. The Company bears no responsibility for any inconvenience or repercussion of any kind or damage incurred by the Users due to changes to or deletion of any information posted on the Website, or related to links becoming broken arising from any change to the URL of the Website or other display problems.
The Company bears no responsibility incurred by the Users due to suspension of the Service on the Website arising from force majeure events, including but not limited to, maintenance of the Website, fire, power failure, and other natural disasters, malware, or interference by a third party, etc.
With respect to any websites that are linked from the Website (hereinafter “Link Destination”), the Company gives no guarantee on the accuracy or legitimacy of the information posted thereon. In the event of issues arising from the use of the Link Destination, such Link Destination is responsible for such issue, and the Users shall handle the issue at their own risk.
Any complaints or claims arising from or related to the usage of or access to the Service by the Users, violation of the Terms of Use by the Users, or infringement of any third-party rights by the Users shall be resolved by the Users at their own cost and risk, and the Company bears no responsibility related thereto whatsoever. Additionally, when the Company incurs any cost in relation to the handling of such complaints or claims (including any payment of compensation), the Users shall bear such cost.

4. Prohibited Conduct

When using the Website, the following acts are prohibited.
(1) Infringing, or threatening to infringe, property, privacy, or other rights of any third party or the Company
(2) Acts that cause, or may cause, any disadvantage or damage to any third party or the Company
(3) Infringing, or threatening to infringe, public order and morals
(4) Conduct that results in or lead to, or threatens to result in or lead to, criminal acts
(5) Fraudulent application or notice, such as registering with an email address of someone else
(6) Business activities or acts for commercial purposes or acts in preparation for those
(7) Damaging the reputation or credibility of a third party or the Company
(8) Using, providing, or threatening to use or provide, any malicious programs such as computer viruses
(9) Any acts that breach, or threaten to breach, any laws, ordinances, or regulations
(10) Any other acts that are deemed inappropriate by the Company

5. Handling of Personal Information

Personal information collected from Users through their usage of Service, such as names and email addresses, etc. shall be handled in accordance with the separately stipulated Privacy Policy.
The Company will aggregate access logs for the purpose of analyzing the Users’ preferences towards the types of services. Such access logs include domain names, IP addresses, types of internet browsers used, and the access date and time of the persons accessed; however, no personally identifiable information is contained. Access logs are used merely as statistical data and will not be tied to the personal information of the Users.
The Website uses Cookies (information sent from servers to the User’s web browser and stored in the User’s computer, for the servers to identify the User) for some services,
such as registration, to ensure convenience for the User. The Website uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer, a type of encrypted communication technology) for services that handle personal information, for the security of the Users.

6. Security

Although the Website takes continuous measures to heighten security in order to prevent issues, such as unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage with respect to the information of the Users, it should be noted that accessing websites comes with information leakage risk due to the nature of internet communication.

7. Links

In principle, the Website may be linked without permission. However, links in the following manners are prohibited:
Links from websites that injure the credibility or dignity of the Company, such as websites that infringe public order and morals
Links from websites that are deemed to include contents that violate or may violate any laws or ordinances
Links in a manner that compromises clarity as to whether the accessed website is the website of the Company or not, such as by framing
Links that misleadingly suggest a partnership or collaborative relationship with the Company or a recognition or support by the Company
Any other links that are deemed inappropriate by the Company
The Website does not exchange links with any other website in principle.
Any link to the Website shall be made to its front page (https://www.jp-re.japanpost.jp/).

8. Recommended Environment

Recommended environment for viewing the Website is as follows.

Recommended Environment

Windows: Windows 10 or later, the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Firefox
Mac: MacOS 10.15 or later, the latest version of Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox
■Mobile Devices
iOS: Latest version of Safari on iOS 14 or later
Android: Latest version of Chrome on Android 10 or later

The Website provides PDF files on some Web pages. Adobe Reader (free) is required to open PDF files. Adobe Reader may be downloaded from the following link, if necessary.
Download Adobe Reader

9. Miscellaneous

On the Website, certain Contents require the Users to accept other terms and conditions, in addition to the Terms of Use. With respect to websites operated by the Company that have individual terms and conditions separately from the Terms of Use, such individual terms and conditions shall prevail.
The Terms of Use shall be construed and applied in accordance with the laws of Japan, and the Users shall agree to be subject to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of the courts of Japan.
Any dispute between the Company and the Users with respect to the Website, the Service, or the Terms of Use shall be handled by both parties in good faith to reach a mutually acceptable resolution.For clarity, the Company bears no obligation to be involved in disputes between the Users and other parties. When a dispute cannot be resolved through the aforementioned measures and a judicial ruling is sought, the Tokyo District Court of Japan shall have the primary and exclusive jurisdiction. Legal proceedings for such dispute shall be instituted within one (1) year after the cause of action accrues.


Privacy Policy

Japan Post Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Company”), which complies with the Privacy Policy of the Japan Post Group, regards appropriate protection and handling of personal information as a crucial theme. To this end, the Company establishes and implements basic principles regarding the protection of personal information (hereinafter “Privacy Policy”. The Privacy Policy set forth as follows shall be referred to as “JPRE Privacy Policy”).

1. Compliance

The Company shall, when handling personal information, comply with laws, ordinances, and national guidelines related to personal information protection, and the provisions of the JPRE Privacy Policy (hereinafter “Laws and Ordinances”).

2. Utilization Purpose of Personal Information

The Company shall specify the utilization purposes of personal information and shall not use the personal information for purposes beyond the scope that is necessary to achieve the utilization purposes. The Company’s utilization purposes of personal information are as follows.
For clarity, the Company will not use personal information in a manner that will or may encourage or induce an illegal or unjust act.
For the avoidance of doubt, Individual Number shall be handled only within the scope of the utilization purpose set forth by laws and ordinances.

  1. Performance of contracts and provision of information and services in relation to real estate development business.
  2. Any other matters incidental or related to the business of the Company.

3. Acquisition of Personal Information

The Company will obtain personal information by legal and appropriate means.

4. Security Control Measures for Personal Information

The Company will implement appropriate security control measures for the personal data it retains as follows, in order to prevent leakage or loss of or damage to, the personal information it handles.

Organizational Security Control Measures

Appointment of a responsible person for handling the Company-retained personal data and supervision of employees and contractors, etc.

Personnel Security Control Measures

Regular education and training of employees.

Technical and Physical Security Control Measures

Entrance and exit control on employees, restriction on devices to be brought into the office, and access control for the retained personal data.

Understanding of External Environment

Implementation of security control measures based on the understanding of systems regarding the protection of personal information in foreign countries where retained personal data is handled.

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Party

Except for when provided by law, the Company will not provide personal information to any third party without the prior consent of the applicable information owner.
For clarity, when the Company intends to co-utilize the personal information of customers, it will do so after notifying or publishing the legally required matters.
For the avoidance of doubt, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Specific Personal Information will not be provided to or co-utilized with any third party, unless otherwise provided by law.

6. Procedures for Disclosure Request, etc.

The Company will sincerely handle any request for notification of utilization purposes; disclosure, correction, or cessation of use regarding the retained personal data; or disclosure of record regarding the provision of personal data to a third party as provided by laws and ordinances.

7. Inquiry Contact

The Company may be contacted through the following contact point with the foregoing request related to the retained personal data and other comments, recommendations, and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.

Inquiry Contact

DX Promotion Department, Japan Post Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Phone Number: 03-6281-9002
Operation Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays

8. Continuous Improvement

The Company will continuously review and endeavor to improve its management system and initiatives related to personal information protection in light of the development of information technology and changes in social needs.

9. Name, Address, and Name of Representative of Business Operator Handling Personal Information

President and Representative Director Yasuhiko Yamashiro
3-1, Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004

“Individual Number” means the Individual Number defined under the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures.
“Specific Personal Information” means personal information that includes the Individual Number.


Social Media Policy

Japan Post Real Estate Co., Ltd., (as entrusted by Japan Post Co., Ltd., Osaka Terminal Building Co., Ltd., and JTB Corporation, among other project operators; the “Company”), which operates the website dedicated for JP Tower Osaka and Kitte Osaka (https://jptower-kitte-osaka.jp/) shall comply with the mindset and behaviors specified below in its operation of the official Social Media accounts (hereinafter referred to as the “Official Accounts”).“Social Media” means media that anyone can participate in and that is designed in a way that allows information posted by users toward a large indefinite number of people or mutually communicated using the internet technology on the Internet to spread through social interaction.

1.Purpose of the Policy

The policy specifies the mindset and behaviors that all of the Company’s officers and employees (including nonregular employees and dispatched employees) who operate the Official Accounts shall comply to in order to have good communication with users (hereinafter referred to as the “Users”) when operating the Social Media.

2.Mindset and behaviors that the Company shall comply to

1.Awareness and responsibility regarding information posting on Social Media

  1. We understand that a large indefinite number of Users can easily and immediately access the information posted on Social Media and that information, once posted, cannot be completely deleted. Given this, we shall always try to take responsibility when posting information on Official Accounts.
  2. We shall comply with the laws and the individual internal regulations established by the Company when positing any information on Official Accounts.

2.Mindset regarding participation in Social Media

  1. We shall always ensure that we actively listen to the Users.
  2. We are responsible for information posting and responses, and we shall make sure not to cause misunderstandings or discomfort to the Users.
  3. We shall strive to post accurate information on the Official Accounts.
  4. We shall make sure not to violate the privacy of the Users.

3.Compliance with the laws and regulations

  1. We shall comply with the laws and regulations. Particularly, we shall not violate copyrights, trademarks, personality rights, or other rights or defame others.
  2. We shall specify the sources when we cite from posts or articles.

3.Notes for the Users

  1. We shall pay close attention to information posted on the Company’s Official Accounts; however, we shall release official announcements and views on this website.
  2. Please be advised that information on social media is current only as of the time when it is posted and may be amended in the future.
  3. Please refer to the list of Official Accounts and the Social Media Terms of Use when using the Company’s Official Accounts and related services.
  4. Please note that the Company may use and cite the comments posted by Users.
  5. Also note that the Company may not reply to comments posted by Users.

[As of September 1, 2023]

